I calculated a bunch more sorbets. It turns out the textbook formula will usually result in an acceptable sweetening power. The reason is because the flaws in the formula cancel eachother out to a certain extent. The assumption that all solids in fruit are fructose makes for an innaccurately high SP. But when you adjust for the correct 170% SP of fructose (from the book's 125%), this usually brings the SP of the mixture just barely back into the recommended range of 25-33%. The textbook formula gets less accurate as the fruit content increases for a given type of fruit.
Still, I think I'll stick to my adjusted formula from now on.
Here are the SP results of all the formulas I've calculated, all using purees with no sugar added, adjusted based on the USDA statistics for the fruit's sugar content:
Banana 60% fruit
Textbook Formula: 32.65 SP
Adjusted Formula: 21.8 SP
Blueberry 50% fruit
TF: 30.77
AF: 26.9
Pear 60% fruit
TF: 31.45
AF: 26.35
Apple 60% fruit
TF: 31
AF: 28.11
Peach 70% fruit
TF: 31.26
AF: 25.33
Apricot 50% fruit
TF: 30.65
AF: 26.23
Apricot 70% fruit
TF: 31.35
AF: 25.16
Blackberry 60% fruit
TF: 31.3
AF: 22.48
Cantaloupe 70% fruit
TF: 30.65
AF: 27.71
Sour Cherry 60% fruit
TF: 31.6
AF: 23.41
Sweet Cherry 60% fruit
TF: 31.6
AF: 25.82
Kiwi 60% fruit
TF: 31.7
AF: 25.55
Pineapple 60% fruit
TF: 31
AF: 26.77
Plum 60% fruit
TF: 31.75
AF: 23.13
Raspberry 50% fruit
TF: 27.95
AF: 24.46
Red Currant 50% fruit
TF: 30.9
AF: 25
Strawberry 70% fruit
TF: 30.82
AF: 25.13
PS: No, I'm not going to "show my work." I don't feel like typing all that shit out. If you want to see the full charts of the ingredients, follow that USDA link, get out your calculator, and do it yourself.
Kumquat Marmalade
2 days ago
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